
DriveFuzz is a feedback-driven fuzzing framework for testing autonomous driving systems end-to-end, which automatically generates safety-critical driving scenarios in which an autonomous driving system misbehaves.

DriveFuzz: Discovering Autonomous Driving Bugs through Driving Quality-Guided Fuzzing.
Seulbae Kim, Major Liu, Junghwan "John" Rhee, Yuseok Jeon, Yonghwi Kwon, Chung Hwan Kim.
In Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2022),
Los Angeles, CA, November 2022.
Fork me on GitLab! YouTube Channel Paper Extended Paper


Autonomous driving systems (ADS) are steadily becoming a reality, and we expect them to be safer than human drivers. Unfortunately, we continue to see cases of accidents, including fatal ones, caused by the flaws in ADS. A systematic approach to find and eliminate bugs in ADS is needed, which did not exist. We designed an automated fuzz-testing framework, DriveFuzz, that repeatedly tests an ADS under realistic driving scenarios that evolve over iterations. Specifically, DriveFuzz mutates the map, mission (initial position and goal position), actors (other vehicles and pedestrians), puddles, and weather of the scenario to stress the ADS under test, and it looks for safety-critical vehicular misbehaviors, such as collisions and various traffic infractions. By testing two industry-grade open-source ADS, we found 30 new bugs that lead to misbehaviors.



* Note that the video is not shown while running DriveFuzz by default, these demo videos are recorded with the video opened.

Bug 12

When a vehicle cuts in from either side to the front of the ego-vehicle, the LiDAR sensor detects the vehicle, and the perception layer perceives it as a vehicle. However, the local planner ignores the perceived vehicle and fails to command a stop.

Bug 25

The obstacle detection system only checks if anything is on the same lane as the ego-vehicle. As a result, when the ego-vehicle is switching lanes or turning at an intersection/roundabout to enter another lane, the planner fails to notice the obvious objects, causing collisions.

Bug 29

When the vehicle starts to slip due to a puddle, the rotation of the wheels is not converted to vehicular speed. Not considering the slipping state, the controller keeps generating greater torques on the wheels to achieve the target velocity, which creates an excessive burst of acceleration when the vehicle finally gets out of the puddle and makes the vehicle lose control.

Installation & Run



  • Strictly required: Ubuntu 18.04 (requirement of Autoware and ROS melodic)

  • Python 3

  • Python dependencies

    $ pip3 install --user pygame scikit-fuzzy docker
  • setuptools needs to be downgraded due to a bug in CARLA.

    $ pip3 install -Iv setuptools==47.3.1

Setting up docker and nvidia driver

  • Install docker-ce

  1. Remove existing installation, add GPG key, and install docker-ce

    $ sudo apt remove docker docker-engine
                      $ sudo apt update
                      $ sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
                      $ curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
                      $ sudo apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88
                      $ sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs)stable"
                      $ sudo apt update
                      $ sudo apt install docker-ce
  2. Check installation. The following should print a message starting with "Hello from Docker!"

    $ sudo docker run hello-world
  • Set up permissions

  1. Create group docker and add yourself to it

    $ sudo groupadd docker
                      $ sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
  2. Log out and log back in

    $ sudo su - ${USER}
  3. Try running docker without root permission this time

    $ docker run hello-world
  • Make sure you have nvidia driver on Host

  1. Search for available drivers

    $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers
                      $ sudo apt update
                      $ ubuntu-drivers devices
  2. Install one of the compatible drivers. nvidia-driver-415 worked for me.

    $ sudo apt install nvidia-driver-415
                      $ sudo reboot now
                      $ nvidia-smi
  • Install nvidia-docker2

  1. Install

    $ distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID)
                      $ curl -s -L | sudo apt-key add -
                      $ curl -s -L$distribution/libnvidia-container.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-container-toolkit.list
                      $ sudo apt update
                      $ sudo apt install nvidia-docker2
                      $ sudo systemctl restart docker
  2. Test the installation

    $ docker run --runtime=nvidia --rm nvidia/cuda:10.0-base nvidia-smi

Install CARLA docker

  • Pull docker image

    $ docker pull carlasim/carla:
  • Quick-running CARLA CARLA can be run using a wrapper script If you have multiple GPUs installed, it is recommended that you "pin" CARLA simulator to one of the GPUs (other than #0). You can do that by opening and modifying the following:

  • To run carla simulator, execute the script:

    $ ./
  • It will run carla simulator container, and name it carla-${USER} .

    To stop the container, do:

    $ docker rm -f carla-${USE}
  • Building CARLA API

    $ cd carla
                      $ make PythonAPI

    Ensure that PythonAPI/carla/dist/carla-0.9.10-py3.x-linux-x86_64.egg has been created after building.

    Return to the project root directory.

Building carla-autoware docker

  • Get additional files

    $ cd carla-autoware
                      $ git clone
  • Build carla-autoware docker

    $ ./

Installing ROS-melodic

  • ROS is required on the host in order for DriveFuzz to communicate with the Autoware container.

    $ sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'
                      $ sudo apt install curl
                      $ curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
                      $ sudo apt update
                      $ sudo apt install ros-melodic-desktop-full
                      $ source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash

Run DriveFuzz

  • Clone this repository to ~/drivefuzz

    $ git clone ~/drivefuzz
  • Run carla simulator

    First check if carla is already running:

    $ docker ps | grep carla-$USER

    If not, run CARLA container by executing:

    $ cd ~/drivefuzz
                  $ ./
  • Prepare environment

    $ cd ~/drivefuzz
                  $ ./
                  $ source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
  • Run fuzzing

  1. Testing Behavior Agent

    $ cd ~/drivefuzz/src
                    $ ./ -o out-artifact -s seed-artifact -c 5 -m 5 -t behavior --timeout 60 --town 1 --strategy all
    • Outputs (bugs, mutated test inputs, metadata, ...) will be stored in out-artifact
    • Sample seeds are provided in seed-artifact
    • Adjust the number of cycles (-c) and size of mutated population (-m) (please refer to Algorithm 1 in the paper)
    • You can try other mutation strategies (congestion, entropy, instability, trajectory); (please refer to Section 4.2.4 in the paper)
    • Check ./ --help for further instructions

    Please note that Behavior Agent has a bug in the controller (that we found and reported), which leads to frequent lane invasions and finishing before reaching the goal. You can prevent these from triggering the misbehavior detector by adding --no-lane-check and --no-other-check flags, e.g.,

    $ ./ -o out-artifact -s seed-artifact -c 5 -m 5 -t behavior --timeout 60 --town 1 --strategy all --no-lane-check --no-other-check
  2. Testing Autoware

    $ cd ~/drivefuzz/src
                    $ rm -rf out-artifact
                    $ ./ -o out-artifact -s seed-artifact -c 5 -m 5 -t autoware --timeout 60 --town 1 --strategy all --sim-port 2000


By running DriveFuzz on Autoware and Behavior Agent, we detected the following bugs shown in the tables. We provide the test cases (including the seed, metadata, vehicle states, and detected bugs). Videos of the bugs can be found here.

Autoware bugs

Bug # Description Test case & Log Bug report Video
1 LiDAR and camera fusion misses small objects on road Log Report Video
2 Perceives the road ahead as an obstacle at a steep downhill Log Report Video
3 Fails to semantically tag detected traffic lights and cannot take corresponding actions Log Report Video
4 Fails to semantically tag detected stop signs and cannot take corresponding actions Log Report Video
5 Fails to semantically tag detected speed signs and cannot take corresponding actions Log Report Video
6 Faulty localization of the base frame while turning Log Report Video
7 Localization error when moving underneath bridges and intersections Log Report Video
8 Generates infeasible path if the given goal is unreachable Log Report Video
9 Generates infeasible path if the goal's orientation is not aligned with lane direction Log Report Video
10 Global path starts too far from the vehicle's current location Log Report Video
11 Target speed keeps increasing at certain roads, overriding the speed configuration Log Report Video
12 Fails to avoid forward collision with a moving object Log Report Video
13 Fails to avoid lateral collision (Autoware perceives the approaching actor before collision) Log Report Video
14 Fails to avoid rear-end collision (Autoware perceives the approaching actor before collision) Log Report Video
15 While turning, ego-vehicle hits an immobile actor partially blocking the intersection Log Report Video
16 Ego-vehicle keeps moving after reaching the destination Log Report Video
17 Fails to handle sharp right turns, driving over curbs Log Report Video

Behavior Agent bugs

Bug report for all Behavior Agent bugs (#18-30): Report.

Bug # Description Test case & Log Video
18 Indefinitely stops if an actor vehicle is stopped on a sidewalk Log Video
19 Flawed obstacle detection logic; lateral movement of an object is ignored Log Video
20 Generates inappropriate trajectory when initial position is given within an intersection Log Video
21 Improper lane changing, cutting off and hitting an actor vehicle Log Video
22 Vehicle indefinitely stops at stop signs as planner treats stop signs as red lights and waits for green Log Video
23 Vehicle does not preemptively slow down when the speed limit is reduced Log Video
24 Always stops too far (> 10 m) from the goal due to improper checking of waypoint queue Log Video
25 Collision prevention does not work at intersections (only checks if actors are on the same lane) Log Video
26 Fails to avoid lateral collision (Behavior Agent perceives the approaching actor before collision) Log Video
27 Fails to avoid rear-end collision (Behavior Agent perceives the approaching actor before collision) Log Video
28 No dynamic replanning; the vehicle does infeasible maneuvers to go back to missed waypoints Log Video
29 Keeps over-accelerating to achieve the target speed while slipping, creating jolt back on dry surface Log Video
30 Motion controller parameters (PID) are poorly tuned, making the vehicle overshoot at turns Log Video

CARLA simulator bugs

Bug # Description Test case & Log Bug report Video
31 Simulation does not properly apply control commands Log Report Video
32 Vector map contains a dead end blocked by objects as a valid lane Log Report Video
33 Occasionally inconsistent simulation result Log Report Video

Cite this work!

  • CCS 2022 paper (pdf).

                                    author = {Kim, Seulbae and Liu, Major and Rhee, Junghwan "John" and Jeon, Yuseok and Kwon, Yonghwi and Kim, Chung Hwan},
                                    title = {{DriveFuzz: Discovering Autonomous Driving Bugs through Driving Quality-Guided Fuzzing}},
                                    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security},
                                    series = {CCS 2022},
                                    location = {Los Angeles, CA, USA},
                                    pages = {1753–1767},
                                    numpages = {15},
                                    month = {nov},
                                    year = {2022},
                                    publisher = {ACM},
                                    isbn = {9781450394505},
                                    doi = {10.1145/3548606.3560558},
                                    url = {}}
  • Extended paper (pdf).

                                  author = {Kim, Seulbae and Liu, Major and Rhee, Junghwan "John" and Jeon, Yuseok and Kwon, Yonghwi and Kim, Chung Hwan},
                                  title = {{DriveFuzz: Discovering Autonomous Driving Bugs through Driving Quality-Guided Fuzzing (extended version)}},
                                  month = {nov},
                                  year = {2022},
                                  publisher = {Zenodo},
                                  doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7255959},
                                  url = {}}